
An Exploration of the Phygital World

Children Test WeXRables

Feburary 2022 - Present
Role: Principal Producer, Developer, Artist
About this Project:

Create apparel that a collector can wear in the physical and digital world.

The Challenge:

As an artist and creator, I wanted to be able to take what I wear in the physical world and wear it in the digital world or vice versa. The technical constraint was that I didn't know how to model very well in the beginning or how to connect the digital twins. My user base is web3 streetwear enthusiasts.


There was a lot of trial and error at first. I began by putting QR codes on sweatshirt hoods. They must be the perfect size, or they don't scan. Next, I tried NFC chips in the sleeves. But they stopped working after several washes. Also, many people disable their phone's scanner. What worked was using genAI to make art with a scannable QR code embedded in it. I put this big on the back of the clothes.

© 2025 Creative Technologist | Nate Lubeck